Who am I?

I am an ASTRO 3D. Senior Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, in the University of Western Australia. In the past I have been a Discovery Early Career Research Fellow at ICRAR and a Fellow at the German Headquarters of the European Southern Observatory. I was awarded my PhD from the Institute for computational cosmology in Durham University, in November 2012. My broad area of research is galaxy formation and evolution.

In 2014 I was recognised with a MERAC prize for the best European PhD Thesis in Theoretical Astrophysics in the years 2012 and 2013. Later in 2014, I was recognised in Chile as one of the `100 Women Leaders' and one of the `100 Young Leaders' of the country for my contributions to Astrophysics (see News). In 2016 I was recognised as the distinguished fellow of the year by the Institute of Advanced Studies at UWA.

What do I do?

I am interested in any aspect of galaxy formation and evolution. My expertise is in modelling of physical processes in galaxies, such as gas accretion onto galaxies, star formation, stellar feedback, gas accretion onto black holes, among other similar mechanisms. I also work with large multi-wavelength surveys of galaxies to study the connection between galaxies and their central super-massive black holes. More details of what I do:

  • Active galactic Nuclei: I am interested in its effects on the galaxy population through mechanical and energy feedback and the relation between host galaxy and black hole properties.
  • Star formation and supernovae feedback: modelling star formation and supernovae feedback in a multi-phase interstellar medium is challeging, but necessary if we want to go a step further in our understanding of galaxy formation. I develope more realistic models of the interstellar medium and dynamical models of supernovae feedback to better understand how these processes affect galaxy evolution.
  • Gas content of galaxies: within the context of multi-phase interstellar medium. Tremendous amount of data is being and will be released describing the gas content of galaxies in its different phases: molecular, atomic, ionised. I develope models to give a theoretical framework to understand the relation between these different gas phases and galaxies.
  • Mock catalogues: I also collaborate in the application of semi-analytic models to study the capacity of instruments such as ASKAP, ALMA, WAVES, etc.

I am also interested in large volume galaxy surveys and the statistical results that can be taken from them. In particular, I have performed statistical studies of the relation between host galaxy and AGN using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I am part of several large galaxy surveys, including the deep galaxy surveys DEVILS and WAVES, and the IFU survey HECTOR.


International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research
7 Fairway
Crawley 6009, Perth WA

+61 (8) 6488 3677

claudia.lagos .at. icrar.org

Funding bodies